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Commentaire de Xenozoid

sur Novitchok, Coupe du monde de football et élections présidentielles en Russie

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Xenozoid 16 mars 2018 15:30


  • Skripal by nerve gas
  • Litvinenko by polonium
  • Kara-Murza poisoned not once, but TWICE, by an unknown poison, he survived !
  • Markov poisoned by ricin and the Bulgarians with “speculated KGB assistance”
  • Khattab by sarin or a sarin-derivative
  • Yushchenko by dioxin
  • Perepilichny by “a rare, toxic flower, gelsemium” (I kid you not, check the article !)
  • Moskalenko by mercury
  • Politkovskaya who was shot, but who once felt “ill after drinking some tea that she believed contained poison

The only possible conclusion from this list is this : there is some kind of secret lab in Russia where completely incompetent chemists try every poison known to man, not on rats or on mice, but on high profile supported political activists, preferably before an important political event.

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