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Commentaire de sls0

sur Réponse de ReOpen911 à Spicee : attention, ça va piquer

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sls0 sls0 5 janvier 2017 21:25

Pour les semaines après, personne ne parle de métal en fusion (sauf peut être les zozos croyant aux mini-nukes qui font les vidéos que vous postez ) juste de températures élevées !
Mais c’est écrit dans l’article mon bon pemile. Les commentaires d’un article concernent normalement l’article.
Je n’ai pas fait un copié/collé vu que pour vous c’est une méthode de roublard mais c’est dans l’article, contrôlez par vous même.
Si pour vous le copié/collé d’un article juste au dessus est de la désinformation, c’est quoi de l’information ?

J’aime la phrase (sauf peut être les zozos) oh c’est écrit dans l’article, c’est reopen que vous traitez de zozos là. OK, je remets en doutes leurs théories mais je ne les traite pas de zozos.

Plus haut je vous mets une photo de mon écran, j’ai l’impression qu’il carbure au LSD, vos vidéos seront impossible à visionner.
Personnellement j’ai une préférence pour les études à comité de lecture. Ca doit ce trouver de votre coté.

Il n’y a pas de « contradictions des scientifiques »... il y a d’un côté des gens qui essayent d’expliquer que certains phénomènes complexes et chaotiques ne pourront pas être compris dans leur intégralité, et essayent de donner des pistes de compréhension, et de l’autre des gens qui affirment « c’est impossible » en empilant des cartons de pizza.

De mon coté les références sérieuses coté scientifique il y en a et ce depuis 2001 (je me suis arrêté à 2009,pour moi reopen c’était plié)
Vous noterez que par rapport aux noms ils ne peuvent pas tout travailler pour la CIA :

Citation :

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Clifton, Charles G., Elaboration on Aspects of the Postulated Collapse of the World Trade Centre Twin Towers, Innovation in Metals 2001
Pinsker, Lisa, M. Applying Geology at the World Trade Center Site Geotimes v. 46, no. 11 2001
Zdenek P. Bazant, Yong Zhou Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse ? - Simple Analysis Journal of Engineering Mechanics v. 128 N°1 2002
Anne Powell Dissecting the Collapses Civil Engineering ASCE v. 72 N°5 2002
Quintiere, J.G. ; di Marzo, M. ; Becker, R. A suggested cause of the fire-induced collapse of the World Trade Towers, Fire Safety Journal v. 37 Issue 7 2002
Newland, D. E. ; Cebon, D. Could the world trade center have been modified to prevent its collapse ? Journal of Engineering Mechanics v. 128 Issue 7 2002
Monahan, B. World Trade Center Collapse-Civil Engineering Considerations Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction v. 7, no. 3 2002
Brannigan, F.L. WTC : Lightweight Steel and High-Rise Buildings Fire Engineering v.155 no. 4 2002
Fema Construction and Collapse Factors Fire Engineering v.155 no. 10 2002
Corbett, G.P. Learning and Applying the Lessons of the WTC Disaster Fire Engineering v.155 no. 10 2002
Norman J. Glover Collapse Lessons Fire Engineering v. 155 no. 10 2002
Burgess, I.W. Fire Resistance of Framed Buildings Physics Education v. 37 (5) 2002
Marechaux, T.G. TMS Hot Topic Symposium Examines WTC Collapse and Building Engineering JOM v. 54, no. 4 2002
Wierzbicki, T. ; Teng, X How the airplane wing cut through the exterior columns of the World Trade Center Journal of Impact Engineering v. 28 2003
Usmani, A. S. ; Chung, Y. C. ; Torero, J. L How did the WTC towers collapse ? A new theory Fire Safety Journal v. 38 2003
Gabrielson, T.B., Poese, M.E., & Atchley, A.A. Acoustic and Vibration Background Noise in the Collapsed Structure of the World Trade Center The Journal of Acoustical Society of America v. 113, no. 1 2003
Biederman, R.R., Sullivan, E.M., Sisson Jr., R.D., Vander Voort, Microstructural analysis of the steels from Buildings 7, & 1 or 2 from the World Trade Center Microscopy and Microanalysis v. 9 2003
Gayle, Frank W. ; Banovic, Stephen W. Tim. Foecke The Structural Steel of the World Trade Center Towers Advanced Materials & Processes v. 162 no10 2004
Nadine M. WTC Findings Uphold Structural Design ENR v. 253 no17 2004
Marjanishvili, S.M. Progressive analysis procedure for progressive collapse Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities v. 18 (2) 2004
Corley, W.G. Lessons learned on improving resistance of buildings to terrorist attacks Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities v. 18 (2) 2004
Zhou, Q., Yu, T.X. Use of high-efficiency energy absorbing device to arrest progressive collapse of tall building Journal of Engineering Mechanics v. 130 (10) 2004
Karim, Mohammed R. ; Fatt, Michelle S. Hoo Impact of the Boeing 767 Aircraft into the World Trade Center. Journal of Engineering Mechanics v. 131 Issue 10 2005
Usmani, A. S Stability of the World Trade Center Twin Towers Structural Frame in Multiple Floor Fires Journal of Engineering Mechanics v. 131 Issue 6 2005
Omika, Yukihiro. ; Fukuzawa, Eiji. Koshika, Norihide Structural Responses of World Trade Center under Aircraft Attacks Journal of Structural Engineering v. 131 no1 2005
Chang, Jeremy ; Buchanan, Andrew H. ; Moss, Peter J Effect of insulation on the fire behaviour of steel floor trusses Fire and Materials v.29 : 4 2005
Abolhassan, Genady P. Cherepanov September 11 And Fracture Mechanics, a Retrospective International Journal of Fracture v. 132 No. 2 2005
Baum, H.R., Rehm, R.G., Quintiere, J.G. A simple model of the World Trade Center fireball dynamics Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2005
G. Flint, A.S. Usmani, S. Lamont, J. Torero and B. Lane, Effect of fire on composite long span truss floor systems Journal of Constructional Steel Research v. 62 (4) 2006
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Mohamed, O.A. Progressive collapse of structures : Annotated bibliography and comparison of codes and standards Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities v. 20 (4) 2006
Zdenek P. Bazant, Mathieu Verdure Mechanics of Progressive Collapse : Learning from World Trade Center and Building Demolitions Journal of Engineering Mechanics v. 133 No. 3 2007
Banovic, S.W., Siewert, T.A. Failure of welded floor truss connections from the exterior wall during collapse of the world trade center towers Welding Journal v. 86 (9) 2007
Gayle, F.W. The collapse of the world trade center towers : A metallurgist’s view MRS Bulletin v. 32 (9) 2007
Hansen, B. Building code changes reflect world trade center investigation Civil Engineering v. 77 (9) 2007
Graeme Flint, Asif Usmani, Susan Lamont, Barbara Lane, and Jose Torero Structural Response of Tall Buildings to Multiple Floor Fires Journal of Structural Engineering v. 133 Issue 12 2007
Ayhan Irfanoglu, Christoph M. Hoffmann An Engineering Perspective of the Collapse of WTC-1, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities v. 22 No. 1 2008
Keith A. Seffen Progressive Collapse of the World Trade Centre : a Simple Analysis Journal of Engineering Mechanics v. 134 No. 2 2008
Zdenek P. Bazant, Jia-Liang Le, Frank R. Greening, David B. Benson What Did and Did not Cause Collapse of WTC Twin Towers in New York Journal of Engineering Mechanics v. 134 2008
Cherepanov, G.P. Collapse of towers as applied to September 11 events Materials Science v. 44 2008
Kuligowski, E.D., Mileti, D.S. Modeling pre-evacuation delay by occupants in World Trade Center Towers 1 and 2 on September 11 Fire Safety Journal 2008
Kodur, V.K.R. World Trade Center building disaster : Stimulus for innovations Indian Concrete Journal v. 82 2008
Ming Wang, Peter Chang, James Quintiere, and Andre Marshall Scale Modeling of the 96th Floor of World Trade Center Tower 1 Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities v. 21 Issue 6
Genady P. Cherepanov Mechanics of the WTC collapse International Journal of Fracture v. 141 No. 1-2
B.A. Izzuddin, A.G. Vlassis, A.Y. Elghazouli, D.A. Nethercot Progressive collapse of multi-storey buildings due to sudden column loss — Part I : Simplified assessment framework Engineering Structures v. 30, Issue 5 2008
A.G. Vlassis, B.A. Izzuddin, A.Y. Elghazouli, D.A. Nethercot Progressive collapse of multi-storey buildings due to sudden column loss—Part II : Application Engineering Structures v. 30, Issue 5 2008
Jeom Kee Paik, Bong Ju Kim Progressive collapse analysis of thin-walled box columns Thin-Walled Structures v. 46, Issue 5 2008
Cheol-Ho Lee, Seonwoong Kim, Kyu-Hong Han, Kyungkoo Lee Simplified nonlinear progressive collapse analysis of welded steel moment frames Journal of Constructional Steel Research v. 65 Issue 5 2009
Feng Fu, Progressive collapse analysis of high-rise building with 3-D finite element modeling method Journal of Constructional Steel Research in press 2009
A.G. Vlassis, B.A. Izzuddin, A.Y. Elghazouli, D.A. Nethercot, Progressive collapse of multi-storey buildings due to failed floor impact Engineering Structures in press 2009
Santiago Pujol, J. Paul Smith-Pardo A new perspective on the effects of abrupt column removal Engineering Structures, v. 31, Issue 4 2009
Hyun-Su Kim, Jinkoo Kim, Da-Woon An Development of integrated system for progressive collapse analysis of building structures considering dynamic effects Advances in Engineering Software v.40, Issue 1 2009
Jinkoo Kim, Taewan Kim, Assessment of progressive collapse-resisting capacity of steel moment frames Journal of Constructional Steel Research v.65, Issue 1 2009
Et des conférences internationales spécialisées..
Ben oui,ça vient de batison.net, il en a des références,OK ce n’est pas un théologien en mal de reconnaissance mais le calcul de structures c’est son boulot ce qui pour moi est plus important que la dialectique.

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