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Commentaire de claire hass

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claire hass (---.---.116.65) 17 mai 2006 05:19

Hi L’Enfoire,

Thank you, your observation is more or less correct, but the law has not passed yet. We have about 11 million illegal immigrants and they do not really threaten anyone, so we have a bureaucratic problem but not an urgent social crisis. No one I know « hates » latinos, we see them as sort of the ’new Italians’,( who started to come here in 1890 and now have risen to the top in every area.)We do not have skinheads attacking latinos, for example,there is nothing to compare to the terrible crime in Belgium where the woman and child were killed by a skinhead.(I have been to Brugge many times and adore Flanders. I have also been to Charleroi and Brussels and Ciney and Tongeren and Liege, looking for antiques, and I did see many rough areas with Arabs. Europe is integrating very, very fast and I understand people feel overwhelmed. But it has happened and it is over, no one is going back to Africa. In Holland it seems when I was in Amsterdam that there were very few ethnic Dutch people left, so many poor people have moved there to enjoy the wealth and cleanliness and fine schools. Same in France. So now the question is to find a balance which takes a long time and laws to advance the poor...otherwise they stay in ghettoes.The pain and confusion will last for our lifetime,- but little by little everyone will be absorbed,- it is the story of humanity,- always on the move !

Now Europe is caught in the middle of this movement, so of course it is distressing, and some crazy people, like the young man who killed last week, react violently. I hope there will be a huge march for solidarity with the victims in Brussels perhaps next Sunday ? Let the world see that this woman and child who died will be remembered, and that racial hatred can only end when everyone comes together...(in a way Europe is on the edge of a great Civil Rights MOvement such as we experienced in the 1960’s...but it will be a movement to protect the immigrants’ rights...)

Of course there must also be a mechanism to control any future immigration into Europe as it seems to have reached the breaking point...something will snap under too much pressure...

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