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Commentaire de njama

sur Enquête MH17 — Proposition d'économies !

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njama njama 27 mai 2018 18:50


Ce jour-là pas de« cb » (cumulonimbus = orages) mais des « cirrus »  selon le Public statement by The Russian Union of Engineers publié le 15.08.2014 Analysis of the reasons for the crash of flight MH17 (Malaysian Boeing-777) http://www.российский-союз-инженеров.рф/en.pdf (recopiez le lien s’il ne fonctionne pas directement)
Page 2 du PDF :
4.2. Meteorological conditions in the area of the crash of the Boeing 777
Record of weather conditions in Topez, Donetsk Oblast, Thursday, 17 July, 2014.

Time : 15:00 - Weather conditions : Overcast sky - Air temperature : +31°C - Wind speed m/s : 4.0 - Atmospheric pressure : 730 - Relative humidity % : 29
et page 10 du PDF :
7.1.4. The data on meteorological conditions can also count in favor of the version that the Boeing 777 was attacked by another aircraft. Meteorological conditions from 15:00 to 18:00, 17.07.2014 in and around the city of Donetsk, were marked by rain and an overcast sky. Flight paths of passenger airplanes lie above the lower border of high-echelon clouds. At this altitude, only cirrus cloud can form. Those are separate white-colored fibrous clouds, which are thin and transparent, and rarely contain dense or flaky formations. They are arranged in the form of bundles and stripes, passing all along the sky and meeting at the horizon. They show perfectly we ll through the sky. The average height of the lower border is 7-10km, while the width can be from hundred meters up to several kilometers.

An attack by a fighter aircraft with a rapid ascent, from below the cloud layer could be quite unexpected for the crew of the Boeing 777. Such an attack could not have been discovered visually from the earth either due to the dense layer of clouds in the medium and lower cloud echelons.

Thus, it can be claimed with a certain degree of certainty, that the Boeing 777, conducting a horizontal flight at the altitude of 10000m, could actually be in the lethal range of aircraft cannon or missile armament of a fighter aircraft, be it MiG-29 or Su-25.

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