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Commentaire de Luniterre

sur 55 années avant Dallas, un coup de feu a claqué à Moscou...

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Luniterre Luniterre 24 octobre 2015 12:12


« Précision, Deng a été écarté de la direction du PCC, par les « gardes rouges » que Mao avait convoqué pour la « révolution culturelle » et n’était donc pas aux affaires lors des affrontements de 79 avec le Vietnam, période où il est aux prises avec le successeur désigné par Mao, Hua Quo Feng. »

Quelle « précision » !!

Si seulement tu avais pris la peine de cliquer sur les liens dans mes post...(... et de lire !), tu aurais la réponse à tes questions, et cela t’éviterait d’en « rajouter » dans ta collection de bourdes...

31 janvier 1979
Visite de Deng Xiaoping aux Etats-Unis


L’établissement officiel de relations diplomatiques entre la République populaire de Chine (RPC) et les États-Unis, le 1er janvier 1979, est suivi de près par la visite que l’homme fort du régime chinois, Deng Xiaoping, effectue aux États-Unis.


Autre fait marquant des années 1978-1979, la fondation de CITIC GROUP, à l’initiative de Deng, et sous la responsabilité du personnage dont voici déjà quelques traces anciennes :




Rong Yiren was assigned to manage some of the family business after graduation. During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937-45), Rong and a brother established a company and a bank, taking over his father’s business.
Shortly after 1949, when the People’s Republic of China was founded, Rong Yiren took charge of the entire family business. In 1955, he decided to cooperate with the government, and converted all Rong enterprises into a joint government-private ownership scheme.
In January 1956, Rong accompanied Mao and Martial Chen Yi, then Shanghai’s mayor, on a visit to Shanghai Shenxin No 9 Factory, a textile mill, which was the only private factory that Mao had ever visited. Chen dubbed Rong China’s « red capitalist ».
In January 1957, Rong was elected vice-mayor of Shanghai following Mao’s suggestion and later served as an economics adviser for the central government.
But Rong didn’t get to play his most important role until the beginning of China’s reform and opening-up. In October 1978, Rong set up the China International Trust and Investment Corp, which dealt with much of the initial Western investment in the country.
From 1993 to 1998, Rong was the country’s vice-president. On Oct 26, 2005, Rong died in Beijing, and in January was buried at Mashan in Wuxi.



During the early years of the people’s republic, when the emphasis was on the restoration of civil peace and national reconciliation - broadly the period from 1949 to 1956 - Rong continued to run his business empire, as did other so-called « patriotic capitalists ». With the nationalisation of private businesses from 1956, however, he handed his family’s 24 enterprises over to the government. In return, he received compensa tion - estimates of how much vary widely - and the additional reward of being made deputy mayor of Shanghai (1957-59), a position that enabled him to develop an extensive network of contacts in the communist leadership. He moved to Beijing as vice minister of the textile industry (1959-66).



Pour plus d’infos tu verras l’article,

« 1949-2015, de Mao à Ma, les visages « humains » du capitalisme chinois »

...un de ces jours...


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