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Commentaire de Lorelei

sur Procès Scientologie : la justice française sera-t-elle partisane ou indépendante ?

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Lorelei Lorelei 14 novembre 2011 22:14

vous êtes à mourir de rire déjà il faut attribuer à césar ce qui est à césar, le propos a été tenus par un auteur tres célébre et il s’agissait d’orwell, si déjà, il faut connaitre son histoire avant de raconter des bêtises

George Orwell, who wrote to a friend in 1938 that « there might be a lot of cash in starting a new religion. » His letter was later published as part of a collection of letters which was circulated widely. It seems that Orwell’s comment has been misattributed to Mr. Hubbard. This was recognized by courts in Germany who enjoined those who had attributed such a statement to Mr. Hubbard from repeating it.

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