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Géronimo howakhan Géronimo howakhan 19 juin 16:07

@Réflexions du Miroir

Larry Johnson : NATO’ Nightmare : North Korea Backup Russia with 1 Million Missiles & Nuclear Warhead. In this explosive analysis, former CIA officer Larry Johnson delves into the alarming scenario of North Korea potentially supporting Russia with an unprecedented arsenal of one million missiles and nuclear warheads. This development presents a formidable challenge to NATO and could significantly shift the balance of power in global geopolitics.

Johnson examines the implications of such a massive militaristic alignment, exploring how North Korea’s involvement could enhance Russian military capabilities, especially in the context of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. He assesses the strategic motivations behind North Korea’s decision to back Russia and the potential consequences for NATO’s security posture.

Furthermore, Johnson discusses the logistical and strategic challenges of integrating North Korean military assets with Russian forces, analyzing the potential effectiveness and the geopolitical signals it sends to the West. He also considers the diplomatic repercussions, including how this alliance could complicate relations between major powers and the United Nations’ response.

This insightful video is crucial for understanding the broader implications of North Korea’s involvement in supporting Russia, analyzing the potential shifts in international relations, and assessing the new threats that could redefine NATO’s strategic calculations.

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