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Commentaire de Arogavox

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Arogavox Arogavox 24 septembre 2020 17:47

 (pour ce qui est du « little bit term dragged » , concernant le « RaTG13 », on trouve ceci dans le ’paper’ de 26 pages :

"The existing scientific publications supporting anatural origin theory rely heavily on a single piece of evidence –a previously discovered bat coronavirus named RaTG13, which shares a 96% nucleotide sequence identity with SARS-CoV-218.
However,the existence of RaTG13 in nature and the truth fulness of its reported sequence are being widely questioned 6-9,19-21.
It is noteworthy that scientific journals have clearly censored any dissenting opinions that suggest a non-natural origin of SARS-CoV-28,22.
Because of this censorship, articles questioning either the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2 or the actual existence of RaTG13, although of high quality scientifically, can only exist as preprints 5-9,19-21or other non-peer-reviewed articles published on various onlineplatforms10-13,23.
Nonetheless, analyses of these reports have repeatedly pointed to severe problems and a probable fraud associated with the reporting of RaTG136,8,9,19-21


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