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Commentaire de Céphale

sur Le mythe DSK

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Céphale Céphale 22 août 2011 18:59

A l’intention des excités, j’ajoute que la plupart des Américains sont heureux de voir finir cette triste affaire. Témoins les 175 commentaires à un article du NYT qui vient de paraître :

I am a longtime feminist who has long protested violence against women. This means that I should be outraged by these events, right ? But in fact I have told my fellow activists from the beginning that this was not the case — not the woman — to pin our hopes on. She has lied repeatedly to the prosecutors who tried to help her and now she and her despicable attorney are flinging mud at them in a desperate attempt to repair her broken credibility. She gives a terrible name to women’s rights and does great damage to our cause. I hate to say it, but I’m glad that the DA is dismissing this sorry case.

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