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Commentaire de chris

sur Présidentielle américaine : Obama, le futur roi du monde ?

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chris 28 février 2008 19:16

ARTICLE SANS INTERET. totalement partisan . Qiuand au sondage pitie....les elections sont dans 9 mois...

Obama n est pas un ange, pas plus que Clinton ou Mc Cain , ces flyers( dans les derniers etats) et les coups de telephones de ces supporters dans le nevada ne sont pas tres glorieux non plus. d ailleurs aux USA de plus en plus de sites se moquant d obama sont creer ou il est decrit en messie ....


Je dirais qu Obama est un produit de l etablishment . Harvard , sa famme lawer tres influente....Pas tres original ! le changement est seulement le fait qu il est metis.

Si a 46 ans, il est deja candidat pour la presidentiel , c est qu il joue parfaitement les cartes politiciennes.

petit extrait dun article : sur son election pour etre senateur



It is commonly held that Hillary Clinton simply blew with the political winds by supporting the Senate war resolution—she allegedly feared looking "weak" on national security—while Obama took a bold risk. In a September 26, 2007, debate at Dartmouth College, Obama congratulated himself for "telling the truth to the American people even when it’s tough, which I did in 2002, standing up against this war at a time where it was very unpopular. And I was risking my political career, because I was in the middle of a U.S. Senate race.At a minimum, that’s an overstatement. With war looming in the fall of 2002, Obama was preparing a long-shot run for an open U.S. Senate seat, which he would not formally announce until the following January. At least two other Democrats were also gearing up, including a wealthy white businessman. Obama’s best shot at the Democratic nomination involved consolidating a coalition of lakefront liberals and African Americans. "He knew, and I knew, that the liberal progressives were key in any Democratic primary," says Dan Shomon, Obama’s then-campaign manager. Shomon insists politics were secondary to Obama’s sincere antiwar ardor. Still, though it may have been unpopular to oppose the war in Washington, that was not the case among liberals in Chicago—among the first cities to pass an antiwar resolution. (Obama also had an interest in pleasing Saltzman. The spunky grandmother was an important local ally who has since raised more than $50,000 for his campaign.)

Nor was opposing the war likely to threaten Obama in a general election. Illinois is a reliably blue state, carried easily by Al Gore and John Kerry. The state’s only Democratic senator at the time, Dick Durbin (as well as eight of Illinois’s nine Democrats in the House), ultimately opposed the Iraq resolution. Moreover, Obama was a long-shot U.S. Senate candidate likely to lose and remain in his liberal Hyde Park State Senate district, probably among the nation’s least pro-war enclaves.

There’s no reason to think that Obama’s war position was anything but sincere. But, given how many people have noted the perceived political calculation of Clinton’s vote for the Iraq resolution, it’s only fair to note that Obama’s war position happened to dovetail with his own ambitions. Moreover, even Shomon concedes that Obama discussed the politics of his speech beforehand. "What about the people that are for the war ?" Obama asked him. "Am I gonna have damage politically ?"...



Obama est comme les autres ..ni meilleur ni pire ...seulement le dream cree plus de delusion

Il vient de commettre une erreur sur la guerre en iraq. Cest une chose de voter contre mais de dire que cette guerre est stupide en se moquant des personnes qui l ont soutenue , il oublie qu il y a bcps de soldats en Iraq ... son arrogance sur l iraq va finir par lui jouer un tour et comme vous pouvez lire ci dessus, sa position n est pas si clean qu il le dit. Entre le sourire du front runner et l arrogance du pre winner, il n y a qu un pas ...Et contrairement a Clinton , sur l iraq Mc cain est Respecte par les americains (meme si ils sont contre cette guerre).


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