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Commentaire de Jojo2

sur Changements climatiques : les enjeux en quelques mots

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Jojo2 (---.---.156.221) 24 mai 2006 22:17

Il y a dans l’avant dernier Nature (hélas à accès limité) un papier disant que ça couterait pas si cher que ça...

"Economists claim carbon cuts won’t break the world’s bank p264 Price tag for reduced emissions could be lower than expected. Jim Giles"

Je cite juste qq phrases bicoz of the copyright

"The results are striking. Nine of the models predict that stabilizing carbon dioxide levels at 450 parts per million, widely seen as the most ambitious target worth discussing, would set back global GDP by less than 0.5% or so by 2100...

In some cases, this shift in investment stimulates growth and actually boosts overall wealth...

Ottmar Edenhofer, an economist at the Potsdam Institute... says the new estimates of lost global GDP are significantly lower than previous ones, which put the range at 3-15%. They suggest the price will be a lot lower, agrees Terry Barker, an economist who helped developed the Cambridge model, especially as costs will be spread over 100 years."

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